
Top-tier, rock-solid solutions for mission-critical environments


Totally reliable,
always on.

PMJ Systems is a design consultancy specializing in the the mission critical world. Data centers, high availability sites, surgical theatres and anything that absolutely cannot fail due to downtime. We have over four decades of experience assisting partners that place their trust in our designs, builds and commissions.

We've worked with many of the world's most data-intensive brands, and know from experience that when the data is critical and the mission is on the line, failure is not an option.

Companies that We Work With


Ensure your design meets specifications

More than any building category, mission critical projects need to be tested to ensure that all design parameters match the as-constructed product. This can be from a simple review of the Basis of Design documentation to full fledged testing of the project to full design load, electrically and mechanically. Only when tested to the full capacity of design can you be certain that your mission critical project will be always on.


Does your construction company specialize in mission critical builds?

PMJ Systems enjoys a two-decade long partnership with Kirkland Mission Critical, a renown builder of mission critical facilities. A North Carolina-based contractor with full United States footprint, Kirkland Mission Critical is a unique, family-run commercial builder of impeccable facilities. Let the combined experience of Kirkland Mission Critical and PMJ build your next high-availability project, on-time and under-budget.


Forty two years in the mission critical field. Put that experience to work for you, today.

In a field that is regulated by Gordon Moore's famous law on computer speed and capability doubling every two years, four decades in the trenches is several lifetimes. From design consultancy to creating Basis of Design documentation to full engineering support across the trades, PMJ Systems is one of the few 'complete' end-to-end consultancy practices in the mission critical field. Let us start a dialogue on how we can help your project truly be a keystone of totally reliable, always on.

Want to know more? Ready to start?

Contact us today to learn more about how PMJ Systems and our partners can put these industry-proven solutions to work for you and your business.

Give us a call 276-755-3671 or email alwaysonpmjsystemscom